Asslamualaikum, once more
Its a pity how nowadays i seldomly write in english, u see, i was a superstar in english back there. My speaking not so fluent, but my writing was superb. I got it from my mum (thanks MA....). You know, back then, everybody want to mingle with me, even when they are good in writine, i'm always come out better. And now, its all have become rusty, the Vocabulary is started to fade, my grammer is not so call grammer( should call it granma now, mine deserve it), and my speech in english is like shit. No better way to explain it.
Ignore my sympathetic condolences of myself. At least yours not sucks like me. So, today posting is about ICEBERG. Haha, u maybe laughing, but its not a laughing matter bro. Iceberg is cool man. U see, it is a great creation og the Almighty to us to learn of the greatness. Iceberg has inspired many, and been used in many management concept(if u're learning it....pssss). What so great about it huh? Y'll see.........
Nice is't it. With great power, come great responsibility young man. Its your responsibility to preserve it. Say no to CFC, and other blah....blah......blah......that would chang the climate. HEHE.......
-:Stop blabering you piece of shit!!!
IK: What the matter man, i'm on a good cause here man, chill.....
:-Did'nt you the one that always littering???Buying plastic even it is a "no plastic day"
IK: errr.......that how i protesting against the supermarket man, they are bunch of poser!!!!
:- U twisted fucker......u're expose man......
IK:Just, come on man....... bagi la muke sket kat ak......damn......................
iceberg theory is the the theory of loses.
ReplyDeleteu just the cost that u see but under the sea cost u r forgot to think bout it....
[haaaa bangkang, bangkang ???!!!!]